fsi deploy server

Following steps are for the installation of the first deploy server. If you need more, e.g. a standby server, you can use fsi to install this server.


  1. Server or VM with Linux CentOS or RedHat 7: For further information, please use this websites:
  2. Disable SELinux and in RH7 the firewalld service

Installation CentOS 7

We have created an unatteded ISO with auto kickstart for CentOS. The local CentOS repository files (see below) can also be downloaded from our project servers - please feel free to ask us for help.

  1. Use unattended server ISO, this includes a kickstart config file for base configuration of the fsi deploy server
  2. if there is no direct internet connection, use our tar files for base and updates centos repo. Copy the files to /opt/tmp:
    1. if /opt/tmp not exists, create dir: mkdir -p /opt/tmp
    2. upload following files to /opt/tmp
      • Latest base tar: co79-x86_64-base-20210618.tar.gz
      • Latest base sha256sum file: co79-x86_64-base-20210618.tar.gz.sha256
      • Latest patch tar: co79-x86_64-updates-20240227.tar
      • Latest patch sha256 sum file: co79-x86_64-updates-20240227.sha256
    3. Unpack tar files
      1. create repo dir
        • cmd: mkdir /opt/local/repos/centos/7.9/
      2. create symlink
        • cmd: cd /opt/local/repos/centos/
        • cmd: ln -s 7.9 7
      3. unpack tar file
        • cmd: tar -C /opt/local/repos/centos/7 -xvzf /opt/tmp/co79-x86_64-base-20210618.tar.gz
      4. create updates repo dir
        • cmd: mkdir -p /opt/local/repos/centos/7/updates/x86_64
      5. unpack tar file
        • cmd: tar -C /opt/local/repos/centos/7/updates/x86_64 -xvf /opt/tmp/co79-x86_64-updates-20240227.tar
    4. If createrepo is not installed, install it.
      • cmd: yum -y install createrepo
    5. Create updates repository control files
      • cmd: createrepo -v /opt/local/repos/centos/7/updates/x86_64
  3. Check if centos base and updates repo sections exist in /etc/yum.repos.d/centos.repo - if not add following content
    ---- centos.repo ---- 
    name=centos local file directory mirror -$releasever - Base  
    name=centos local file directory mirror -$releasever – Updates 
  4. run yum update
    • cmd: yum -y update
  5. delete new CentOS-* files in /etc/yum.repos.d
    • cmd: rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

Installation fsi

There are two ways to install fsi on linux:

  1. use fsiinst tar + script
  2. manual way

Check first if the CentOS repository is available - if not copy a mirror to the local server system.

1. fsiinst

  1. upload the fsiinst__<distribution>__<version>__osv<os version>.tar + sha256 file to /opt/tmp on the fsi server - more information about the distribution fsiinst tar file
  2. login to the fsi server and check sha256sum of the tar file
    • cmd: cd /opt/tmp
    • cmd: sha256sum -c fsiinst__<distribution>__<version>__osv<os version>.tar.sha256
  3. unpack with
    • cmd: tar -C /opt -xvf fsiinst__<distribution>__<version>__osv<os version>.tar
  4. upload or create config file, e.g. fsiinst.cfg - more information about the fsiinst.cfg config file
  5. run installation with
    • cmd: /opt/install/fsiinst -a -c <configfile>

If there is a new update you can install it with the single rpm or just download a new distribution file and restart the fsiinst script.

2. manual

  1. Create the fsi repository with all needed rpm and for RedHat a second repository with the additional rpms. We also create a special 3rd party repository you can use for all dependent applications, libraries and tools or you configure the epel, openfusion, remi and repoforge repository.
  2. If you need a dhcp server in the server management network, please install dhcpd. Please add:
  3. Install tftpd and change the server_args in the tftp config file with the new path -s /opt/fsi/pxe
  4. Now you can install fsi with yum install fsiportal* fsi-* or start with yum install fsiportal* and than name the fsi install packages you need for your server installations yum install fsi-xen620
  5. Install postgresql and pgbouncer
  6. Create symlinks for all repositorys in /opt/fsi/repos
  7. Create rzenv.xml (maybe from scratch or use the rzenv.xml_example in /opt/fsi/portal/etc).
  8. Finally create a symlink /opt/fsi/backup to a backup lun, share or local to backup and save your fsi configurations.


  1. If you need a dns server, install named.
  2. Detail information for rzenv.xml located here in the wiki