Table of Contents

Xen installations


We implemented support for XenServer, Citrix Hypervisor and the open source project XCP-ng. As with CentOS/RedHat Linux and ESXi, the basic installation is based on kickstart.

First, the manufacturer installation routine is performed (with the xml config).

The postinstall script ( ensures that the fsi routines and function are started after the first reboot (

After that the script controls all inst and sub routine. This is the structure of the fsi xenserver installation directory:

├── inst            => installation scripts
├── log             => server installation log files
├── pool            => pool config and information files
├── post            => post scripts after normal installation
├── rpm             => additional rpm or other files
├── sub             => main config and installation files
├── tools           => tools, this files are copied to the server
├── upd             => update list and packages
└── yum             => needed libs or tools e.g. mc

fsi XenServer and Portal

If you need information for the fsi portal support of XenServer installation, please look here.

fsi configurations

For every config option an own script exist. Name shema is sub_<install nummber>_<description>.sh

The following config scripts already exist:

fsi tools on the XenServer

fsi XenServer configs

XenServer Updates & update.lst


some screenshot during a xen server installation

xenserver 6.20 installation

fsi wait for install

fsi xcp-ng installation