
the vmc part for cloning ESXi virtual machines can send emails with the clonening status. We also plan to create status emails for the fsi portal and installation.


# Mail Config
<email test>
           to                                                 # to email
           sr        mail.lab.local                                                   # smtp relay server
           fr        fsivmc@lab.local                                                 # from email
<email js>
           to                                                 # to email
           sr        mail.lab.local                                                   # smtp relay server
           fr        fsivmc@lab.local                                                 # from email
           xu                                                # esmtp user
           xp        secretPW                                                         # esmtp pw
           bo        "Dies ist eine\n = neue email"                                   # alternativ ok email body
           be        "Error\n\njs"                                                    # alternativ error email body
           tls       no                                                               # yes, no, auto
           scon      "VM is online"                                                   # alternativ subject
           scofnb    "VM offline - no parameter to boot vm - vm still off"
           scofbe    "VM offline - want to start but error"
           scofon    "VM offline - start was ok"
           scs       "VM is supsended"
           ssu       "VM has unknown status"
           bcon      "VM is online"                                                   # alternativ body
           bcofnb    "VM offline - no parameter to boot vm - vm still off"
           bcofbe    "VM offline - want to start but error"
           bcofon    "VM offline - start was ok"
           bcs       "VM is supsended"
           bsu       "VM has unknown status"