rzenv - esxi parameter and settings

This section is for installing server with VMware ESXi.


The section keyword is esxi

      # content

Default Options

   esxisuffix  "defaultdomain.com"       # default dns suffix
   rootpw      "defaultpassword"         # default root password

Log Location

There two different log location configs. One for ESXi version 4 and greater than 5.

The variable %SRVNAME% will extent to the install server hostname.

  <logloc>                                                    # This entry will shown in the add esxi server page 
         disable   true# entry for no log location change
     <Local_/syslog_with_srvname>                             # entry name - unique
         dest   [nfs_syslog],/syslog-%SRVNAME%
         ver      41u2,41u2_hp                                # esxi version 4 = other entry
         dest   [loc_%SRVNAME%],/scratch/log/messages
         ver      41u2,41u2_hp                                # esxi version 4 = other entry
         default   true
         dest   [loc_%SRVNAME%],/syslog
         ver      41u2,41u2_hp                                # esxi version 4 = other entry
         dest   [nfs_vitemp_logesxi],\"/%SRVNAME%-messages\"
         ver      41u2,41u2_hp                                # esxi version 4 = other entry
         logsize   1000
         dest   /vmfs/volumes/nfs_vitemp_logesxi/%SRVNAME%-log
         ver      60,60_hp
         default   true
         logrot   5                                           # optional log rotation
         logsize  1000                                        # optional log size
         logdir   true                                        # optional log unique dir
         logsize   1000
         dest   /vmfs/volumes/nfs_vitemp/%SRVNAME%-log
         ver      60,60_hp,50,51,51u3_hp
         default   true
         logrot   5
         logdir   true


 <scratch>                                                     # scratch location
        dest   /vmfs/volumes/nfs_vitemp_inst/scratch/%SRVNAME% # scratch location path - %SRVNAME% keyword resolved
        dest   /vmfs/volumes/loc_%SRVNAME%/scratch
        default   true
        disable   true                                         # do not change scratch location entry for portal

ESXi Advanced Option Config

You can add every advanced option key to the fsi portal add esxi server input website.

  <advopt Net.TcpipHeapSize>      # Advanced Option Key
     type     long                # Adv. key type
     opt      30                  # option value
     default  true                # default set
  <advopt Net.TcpipHeapMax>
     type     long
     opt      120
     default  true
  <advopt NFS.MaxVolumes>
     type     long
     opt      64
     default  true
  <advopt NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures>
     type     long
     opt      10
     default  true
  <advopt NFS.HeartbeatFrequency>
     type     long
     opt      12
     default  true
  <advopt NFS.HeartbeatTimeout>
     type     long
     opt      5
     default  true

Join Virutal Center Config

To join a virtual center automatically during the server installation, you can configure the selection in this section:

      <"Do not join ESXi to VC">                                          # default entry for do not join vc
          disable   true
      </"Do not join ESXi to VC">
          default  true                                                   # default select VC
          vcusr    USER_FISCH_ESX                                         # join vc user
          vcdom    WinDomain
          vcpass   unverschluesseltespasswort                             # join user domain - if needed
          dc       "VI PROD 1"                                            # join vc user password              dc   VI Develop
          dc   VI Develop
          vcpass   jippipw
          vcusr   esxuser
          dc   VI Develop
          vcpass   nopassw
          vcdom   labdom
          ver   50,51_ibm,51,51u2,51u2_hp,51u3,51u3_hp,55,55u1,55u1_hp,55_ibm,55u2
          default   true
          vcusr   esxuser
          dc   VI Develop
          vcpass   nononopw
          vcdom   labdom
          ver   60,60_hp
          default   true
          vcusr   esxuser

Local User Config

  <user admin_beispiel>               # user name
     pw       "defaultpassword"       # unencrypted password
     group    root                    # group
     descr    VI Team User            # description
     default  false                   # take this as default true / false
  <user user_beispiel>
     pw       "donotknow"
     group    user
  <user iap>
     pw       fullsecretpw
     group    root
     role     IAP
     descr    Support Team User
     default  true
  <user cit>
     pw       superpassword
     role     CIT
     group    user
     login    yes

ESXi Local Rules Config

You can define roles for the selection option in the add esxi server. Overview of all privileges

      <CIT12 priv>
      <IAP priv>
          default   true

Syslog Server Config

  <syslog syslogsrv>                      # Syslog serverconfig, name for portal only
     default  true
     ip       syslog.srv.example.com      # target in config of esxi
     port     514                         # optional port if not default 514
     prot     udp                         # default protocol if not udp
  <syslog master-other-port4_Beispiel>
     port     515
  <syslog second4_Beispiel>

ESXi Version & License Config