rzenv - global parameter and settings

This global settings are needed for fsi portal to run:

  • deploy server name and ip
  • portal user roles
  • db settings

Some other section optional:

  • domain settings for login
  • xenserver add default template

The sections for servers operating system to install are documented in three other wiki pages.


Every rzenv.xml has at least following section:

<rz Develop>
  # config content

Develop is the name of the data center and is shown in the browser tab heading.

Necessary Sections

server name

   vitemp      "template.example.com"   # global parameter for deploy server hostname with dns suffix
   vitempip    ""            # deploy server main network ip

With this information the fsi portal detect in which environment itself is running.

fsi portal roles

   <userrole Admin>          # Role Admin can do all
   <userrole Install>        # Role Install is for start/abort installations
   <userrole XenAdmin>       # Role XenAdmin is for alle XenServer/Xen Pool Actions
   <userrole ESXiAdmin>      # Role ESXiAdmin is for alle ESXi/VC Actions
   <userrole LXAdmin>        # Role LXAdmin is for alle Linux/Model Actions
   <userrole AddServer>      # Role Add Server can add new Server

db connection config

The fsi portal creates a postgresql database from the server config files. The following section is the config to this db:

      port              5432                         # database port
      name              fsidb                        # db name
      usr               dbuser                       # db user
      pw                password                     # db user password
      host              localhost                    # db server

Optional Sections

xenserver template default

You can define the xenserver default template for add server with the following xml structure:

   <templdefault>             # Default Template config hash
      <xen650>                # Xenserver Add Version
         <2bond_lacp>         # Template name as dir name
            default true

user domain config

The fsi portal access configuration can use a MS Windows or LDAP domain. Both a single user or a group are supported.

   <windom labdom>                                   # PRE Win2000 Netbios Domain Name
      dns   labdom.lab.local                         # dns Windows Domain Name
      dc    labdc.labdom.lab.local                   # if dns domain name not usable or other dc for login
      <search domainbase>                            # user search base (multiple possible)
         base "dc=labdom, dc=lab, dc=local"
      <search users>
         base "CN=Users,DC=labdom,DC=lab,DC=local"
      <search labor>
         base "OU=User,OU=Labor,DC=labdom,DC=lab,DC=local"

check daemon sleep

   daemonsleep 10    # fsi check all daemon rescan sleep time