Admin VMC

At the momtent this is the only config & admin part of the virtual machince clone function for VMware ESXi and VC in the fsi portal.

On the right site you can start editing the clonejobs:

If you change something in the clonejob config file - restart the crond daemon.

Also on the right site you can start editing the clonematrix:

Here is a documentation of all parameters in the clonematrix:

# VM Clone Matrix
<VM test4>
        vc vcwin.lab.local                                                     # Virtual center
        th esx1.lab.local                                                      # Target host
        ts nfs_qnap1                                                           # Target storage
        tf Bak: Server                                                         # Target folder (optional, default=current)
        tr Test-Resource2                                                      # Target Resource Pool (optional)
        tp1 VM Network - Backup                                                # Target Network for nic1 (optional, default=no change) for nic2 = tp2
        ge 3                                                                   # Generation to keep (optional, default 1)
        usr labdom\admin                                                       # Technical user for vc
        pwd ##verschluesseltPW##                                               # Password for tec user
        mw 10                                                                  # wait before send email 0 = do not wait, x seconds
        sd 0                                                                   # shutdown 0 = no, >0 true and retries (optional, default 0)
        external                                                     # run external script after clone (and power on) before del generations
        extparam --clone VM_CLONE                                              # script needs parameters
        <CP nfs2sftp_copy>
            s_type nfs                                                         # source type: nfs, sftp, dir
            s_srv                                                 # source nfs: server
            s_exp /nfstest                                                     # source nfs: export
            t_type sftp                                                        # target type: nfs, sftp, dir
            t_srv vitempprod.lab.local                                         # target sftp: server
            t_dir /sftptest                                                    # target sftp: remote dir
            t_sftpusr sftptest                                                 # target sftp: remote login user
            t_sftppwd ##verschluesseltPW##                                     # target sftp: password for tec user
        <CP nfs2scp_copy>
            s_type nfs                                                         # source type: nfs, sftp, dir
            s_srv                                                 # source nfs: server
            s_exp /nfstest                                                     # source nfs: export
            t_type scp                                                         # target type: nfs, sftp, dir, scp
            t_srv srv5.lab.local                                               # target scp: server
            t_dir /mnt/qnap                                                    # target scp: dir (from / )
            t_scpusr root                                                      # source scp: remote login user
            t_scppwd ##verschluesseltPW##                                      # source scp: password for tec user
        <CP nfs2nfs_copy>
            s_type nfs                                                         # source type: nfs, sftp, dir
            s_srv                                                 # source nfs: server
            s_exp /nfstest                                                     # source nfs: export
            t_type nfs                                                         # target type: nfs, sftp, dir, scp
            t_srv qnap1.lab.local                                              # target nfs: server
            t_exp /nfsclone                                                    # target export: export from nas
            t_scpusr root                                                      # source scp: remote login user
            t_scppwd ##verschluesseltPW##                                      # source scp: password for tec user
        <email Jochen>                                                         # email for this vm (optional)
           to                                                    # to email
           sr srv11.lab.local                                                  # smtp relay server
           fr vmc@lab.local                                                    # from email
           xu                                                       # esmtp user
           xp ##verschluesseltPW##                                             # esmtp pw
           bo "Alles OK\n js"                                                  # alternativ ok email body
           be "Oh shit - reparieren\n js"                                      # alternativ error email body
           scon      "VM is online"                                            # alternativ subject
           tls       no                                                        # tls option yes, no, auto
           scofnb    "VM offline - no parameter to boot vm - vm still off"
           scofbe    "VM offline - want to start but error"
           scofon    "VM offline - start was ok"
           scs       "VM is supsended"
           ssu       "VM has unknown status"
           bcon      "VM is online"                                            # alternativ body
           bcofnb    "VM offline - no parameter to boot vm - vm still off"
           bcofbe    "VM offline - want to start but error"
           bcofon    "VM offline - start was ok"
           bcs       "VM is supsended"
           bsu       "VM has unknown status"